A 22-year-old man ended up dead while performing maneuvers in his Special Operations vehicle in Spain.
The media reported the terrible accident that claimed the life of a 22-year-old legionnaire member of Special Operations that happened during the early hours of this Thursday, October 27, in a traffic accident during the carrying out some maneuvers on the Camino Vell de Petrer, a few kilometers from the Alicante town of Agost.
Following the reports that were released, learned that the incident took place around four in the morninghour in which several military vehicles were carrying out different maneuvers organized by the unit of the Special Operations Command (MOE) at the shooting range.
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It was at that moment when, unfortunately, one of them went off the road and overturned with a crash. In inside it marched four soldiers, three of them were uninjuredY another died after being trapped. Firefighters and the Civil Guard went to the scene to lift the vehicle and extract the lifeless body of the young Army soldier.
The deceased soldier, named Gavalda Maciaswas single and a native of Reus (Tarragona), entered the Army in May 2019, at Training Center No. 2 San Fernando (Cádiz). He had been assigned to the MOE since May 2022, his previous assignment being the 4th Infantry Regiment ‘Nápoles’ of paratroopers.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from ABC.