From this seas will be activated a new rate for recharging electric cars in Spainin the Cabildo de Gran Canaria charging network.
The media reported that The charging rates for electric vehicles in force at the 29 points of the island network managed by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria will change as of this Tuesday, November 1. The new costs would become 0.17 euros per minute in fast rechargeirrespective of time, and of 0.25 euros per kilowatt/hour (kW/h) in the semi-fast, Regardless of whether it occurs during the day or at night.
This is how the new rates arrive to leave behind those that were established just two years ago, the November 1, 2020when they started with prices from 0.10 euros per kilowatt hour (kWh)although the cost depended on the speed of the recharging point used and the time slot in which it was carried out.
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In addition, at fast recharging points the new rate (0.17 euros per minute) represents a 36% increase compared to the one in force until now for the first half hour, which was €0.125 per minuteY a 19% decline in relation to the one that was applied in the following 30 minutes of recharging, which had a cost €0.21 per minute.
Due to its change of concept for charging, the comparison with the previous rates in the semi-fast charging points, which make up the bulk of the network, is not an easy job. Before it was 0.15 euros for the first 10 kilowatt hours and 0.25 thereafter between 07:00 and 22:00. From 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. it dropped to 0.10 euros per kilowatt hour. While, athour is set at 0.25 euros per kWh for 24 hours a day.
The insular electric vehicle recharging network allows its use from the mobile phone through an application (APP) or from the website www.movilidadelectricagrancanaria.com once registered as a user in the system.
now has 24 own recharging points distributed throughout the 21 municipalities and another five members in the municipality of Santa María de Guía. In addition, there are four in the creation phase in the Arinaga Industrial Estate.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from Canary Islands 7.