More than a thousand motorcycles have been withdrawn from circulation so far this year, so the custody center is full.
In recent images that were released, it was possible to see how the motorcycle park in Chile increased explosively and many of those who walk the streets do so outside the law.
Due to this situation that begins to be a problem, audits have also necessarily had to increase and Carabineros together with the municipalities have coordinated actions with the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.
According to official data, Between January and October of this year, more than 25,000 controls have been carried out.that is, a 46% more than in 2021. Likewise, the number of motorcycles withdrawn also grew by 10%, but what about them?
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Well, most of them end in municipal corrals or “motorcycle cemeteries”. In Quilicura is the Metropolitan Custody Centerwhere there is about 10 thousand motorcycles inside and a large part of them arrived there after an inspection.
Between January and August, in the country more than 38 thousand units were sold1% above last year’s figures, but 143% more than 2020 and 98% more than 2019.
Although this second semester sales have begun to decreaseeven so, everything indicates that they will continue to be above the pre-pandemic numbers.
Editorial GossipVehicle.