Last Monday, October 31, a bus driver in Hermosillo, Mexico, he fell asleep traveling his route, and ran over a man, who later died. In addition, the bus passengers also ended up injured by the crash.
It is worth mentioning that the news has circulated on social networks, since a video it shows the impact, as well as how some passengers got out of their seats and hit themselves due to it.
Bus driver fell asleep and hit a man
Specifically, it is about the unit SIT-0350which covers Route 8. It hit a cargo truck around 4:00 p.m. on Monday, in the Villa de Seris neighborhood, specifically on Manuel Ojeda Avenue.
The driver of the unit allegedly dozed off and as a result ran over Ishmael Figueroa, 55, who was unloading material from the cargo truck. At the moment of impact, it was pressed as a result of the crash.
Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene in order to take Ismael to a hospital; However, hours later died in the emergency room.
In relation to this, Ismael’s relatives have requested that public transport drivers be assessed in order to prevent bad drivingas they risk people’s lives and could cause another incident of this style.
A comprehensive change in transportation service is required
After the accident, representatives of the Union of Users of Hermosillo, considered it necessary that there be changes in the service, in order to avoid repeating this type of accident.
The leader of the social organization, Ignacio Peinado Luna, stated that there should be a greater coordination between the authorities, companies in charge of the service and the union, so that the users of these services are the ones who benefit the most.
He recalled that one of the issues that they have always demanded What needs to be improved is the transportation service. This, since every time a situation of this type arises or protests by the operators, those who are most affected are those who use the service every day to go to school or go to their workplaces.
He also stated that they send their condolences to the relatives of the victim of this accident, meanwhile, he expressed that the authorities and companies must pay more attention in order not to exceed the working hours of their operators.

Peinado Luna anticipated that next Saturday during the anniversary demonstration, they will once again raise their voices in favor of a Best service based on a comprehensive coordination between the company, the Institute of Mobility and Transportation in the State, together with the operators’ union to meet the demands of the service.
«We are going to propose that the operators, faced with this type of situation they go through when being exploited with many hours of work to have better academic training through training courses in technical institutions that could support the authorities,” he said.
In this sense, it established that it is necessary for operators or those who want to dedicate themselves to the trade, to comply with some approved subjects within an academic load such as: human development, mediation, psychology and others that provide comprehensive training, including also automotive mechanics.
«Whenever there is a complicated situation within the service, it is observed that the operator unloads its emotion with the users and not with the authorities or the companies, that is why they hope that the proposal of the Union of Users of Hermosillo will be taken into account. account,” he stated.
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Font: The Sun of Hermosillo