Three adolescents were captured by police officers and placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry in the early hours of this Monday. The criminal gang was dedicated to making traps to steal cars.
As reported to the press, a team of elements of Carabineros managed to arrest a gang of minors who were engaged in car theft through lockups in Quinta Normal.
The events occurred from 11:30 p.m. yesterday, Sundaywhen a couple was the victim of the theft of their vehicle at the intersection of Vicuñas Rozas with Sergio Valdovinos, in the district of Quinta Normal, in the western sector of the Metropolitan region.
When the incident occurred, they decided make the corresponding complaint at the police station, where they notified the police personnel that The stolen vehicle had a gps.
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After this, various the team of Carabineros dedicated himself to tracking and located the mobile in the commune of Rencawhere a car chasewhich had the support of the Carabineros Air Prefecture, and covered the commune of Renca, Quinta Normal and Cerro ship, ending in the latter at the intersection of Gabriela Mistral with José Joaquín Pérez.
It was in this last place that the driver lost control while attempting to make a turn and collided with a utility pole and a tree. Given this, tried to flee on foot, but was captured by police personnel. In this way he was informed by Captain Daniel Barrera, patrol officer of the West Prefecture.
According to the details provided by the authoritiesThe detainee was only 15 years old. and was accompanied by 2 women aged 15 and 16. All of them were placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from BioBioChile.