The Prosecutors of Arica and Parinacota acquired armored vehicles for possible security risks to prosecutors for organized crime.
They buy armored vehicles to avoid risks to prosecutors
Organized crime and extreme violence in Chile keep many in check, especially in the northern region, so much so that after the acts of violence against district attorneys, the Arica and Tarapacá Regional Prosecutor’s Office acquired three new model cars and two they are armored
See also: Aragua train would be involved in the discovery of 4 bodies in a Toyota truck in Bogotá
One is similar to the checkpoint buses of the New York Police in the early 1990s, when the zero tolerance policya van that will allow prosecutors and their respective work teams to enter and leave their offices without risk.
If they need to go to controlled sectors such as “The Aragua Train” The prosecutors will have two 100% armored 4×4 cars.
Regional Prosecutor, Mario Carrera commented that “The sources of information we have speak of possible risk situations for prosecutors and their teams,” Although he did not say which ones, they did dismantle the clan leaders “Galician”, belonging to “Aragua Train” organization of extreme violence.
Race explained that cell phones are part of the first Unit against Organized Crime created in a regional prosecutor’s office, where “The purchase of three vehicles was awarded. One of them corresponds to a mobile prosecutor’s office, which is going to be used for work at sites of the event and that has all the necessary technology to be connected and function as a prosecutor’s office: it has two offices inside, three workstations, an antenna with lighting; that is, everything that is needed to work in the place”.
detailing that “Two armored vehicles were purchased for the attendance of prosecutors and their team to places where there is some risk and where their attendance is necessary. This allows us to be able to safely attend these places and carry out their work accordingly and without risk in order to prevent them from being the object of some type of attack”.
The Mobile Prosecutor’s Office it’s a van Mercedes Benzwhose price was 160 million pesos, the two armored units are two jeep grand cherokeefor a total value of 210 million pesos, financed with funds from the Regional government “as part of the Unit against Organized Crime, which is already in the training process and included the entry of 19 people, professionals from different areas, such as accountants, former officials of the Investigative Police and Carabineros, lawyers and engineers.”
“They are going to finish their process in April, they have been with classes since November 17 to be part of this unit, which will begin to function on April 1, the date on which the offices granted for this new team will be inaugurated.”
On December 2, the Director of the Specialized Unit for Illicit Drug Trafficking of the National Prosecutor’s Office, Luis Toledopresented the seventh annual report on drug trafficking where four prosecutors lost their lives.
Ecuador (two cases), Honduras and Colombia, where the Paraguayan prosecutor was executed Marcelo Pecci, crime committed by “charge” by the Brazilian criminal organization First Capital Command (PCC) where it is also believed that Venezuelans belonging to the Aragua train.
Toledo He wondered if Chile could prevent a crime of this nature, asserting that prosecutors must enjoy “the necessary protection”.
In the 22 years he has received threats related to drug trafficking, in the central and northern zone, and with acts of violence that occurred in Bío Bío to the south.
In that area there was a direct attack against a prosecutor, when the persecutor Mario Elguetawas inquiring about armed attacks in the Province of Arauco, who was ambushed along with his entourage in the Puerto Choque sector, Tirúa commune, in October 2008.
Three PDI officers they ended up with serious injuries, product of shots with firearms. After the trial of this fact, the maximum leader of the CAM, Hector Llaitul. together with other militants of this group, among them Ramon Llanquileo, brother of the exconventional Plain Nativity Y Victor Llanquileo.
Many prosecutors currently have a police escort, including one of the candidates for National Prosecutor, Carlos Palmawho is investigating the call “Operation Hurricane”.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: www.t13.cl