A girl almost causes a serious traffic accident, after take the driver’s wheel of a bus in the center of Conceptionon the Bio Bio region.
The incident occurred in the morning hours of this Tuesday, October 18, on Avenida O’Higgins. The transport unit belongs to the line my express and it all happened, when a passenger, around 20 years old, started pressing the back door bell.
The young woman asked the bus to stop in Paicaví, a zone not enabled, so the driver refused. The insistence provoked the driver’s response: I can’t, I already have a part to do that.
The woman did not accept the refusal, so he went to the driver’s place, rebuked him and even threatened him.
Finally, he decided to take the wheel alongside the driver who put the lives of all the bus passengers in danger.
This caused the discomfort of the people on board “You can’t put all of us at risk for your childishness,” one passenger commented.
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“They stop everywhere to pick up passengers and they don’t stop here”, assured another person. Fortunately, the incident did not escalate and there was no accident.
Marlito Moraga, driver indicated that he is “correct, I am not offending anyone”, He also pointed out that this type of thing happens all the time, especially with students.
The young woman contacted Radio Bío Bío and showed herself sorry for what happened and indicated that he reacted this way because of the treatment he gave to other students.
For their part, from Seremi Transportes they indicated that they communicated with the bus line my express to gather more information.
Editorial New Electric Autos Source: biobiochile