China’s dominance in the supply chain of some materials and, above all, batteries for cars that are manufactured in the United States is undeniable. For the same, It is contradictory that there are no Chinese cars in the USA. What will it be?
There is no doubt that The United States has a long history when it comes to car manufacturing. North American companies know what their customers are looking for and expect from a vehicle in terms of safety, design, technology and performance.
For its part, China has no history in auto manufacturing. Moreover, its industry has been linked to the lack of originality, since it has been evident that most of its models have been copied from internationally recognized brands.
In addition to the above, in many cases their vehicles have not passed strict safety regulations North Americans.
However, for some time there has been speculation about the entry of the Asian country to the US auto market.
Do Chinese cars have a place in the US?
By 2015 the possibility was contemplated Volvo’s owner Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. offered a Chinese-made car, the Volvo S60L, for the first time in the United States.
Since then, this possibility has continued to haunt the automotive scene in the USA.. In 2018, the portal autolist.com conducted a study that sought to measure how willing Americans would be to buy cars made in China.
61% confirmed that the country of origin of a car was not a determining issue for its purchase. However, it was shown concern regarding the reliability of Chinese vehicles and the effect that this could have on the country’s economy.
Regardless of the trajectory of the Asian country, its evolution in terms of automotive research and development in recent years has represented a high level of progress, and this is due in part to the support of the Chinese government.
The expansion of the automotive industry is contemplated in the Chinese economic growth plan. Hence, the advances in this sector are considerable and have occurred in record time.
Thus, the Chinese have taken pains to demonstrate that they are no longer the imitators of the past. Its latest models have drawn attention precisely because they are modern and attractive.
Quality is also a point on which they have been working. The materials and technology that they are implementing are on a par with Western competition, but the bad image of the past and the lack of tradition in the medium remain in their shadow.
The qualities of its new models have managed to put China on the automotive radar. Proof of its progress is the internal demand that today places it as an important and competitive market, to which everyone is turning to look.
Font: Engine 1 Report
Uncertainty in the short term
Despite all this good news, the arrival of Chinese cars in the US remains uncertainand now with the “Inflation Reduction Act” the picture tends to get even more complicated.
For several years, the US government has been establishing measures and policies that allow the country to be increasingly self-sufficient, and depend less on other territories.
In this sense, this law, which has already been approved by the Senate and is waiting to be ratified by Congress, among many other issues, raises regulate tax credits for car buyers, and incidentally encourage the sector.
To do this, he proposes that these Grants are only awarded for purchases of electric vehicles made in the USA. The goal is for vehicles to be made in North America, including batteries and such, and that do not include Chinese components.
In this order of ideas, even if the quality, safety and design of the cars of the Asian country are up to the Western standards, with the approval of this legislation, clearly, the introduction of Chinese cars in the US will be discouraged.
New Electric Autos
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