A man who was driving at more than double the speed allowed on Route 5 South in Frutillar, Los Lagos region, was formalized this Saturday after he He drove his car at no less than 249 km/h.
The 33-year-old driver was surprised by police officers driving a speeding on the highway after detecting it with the radar gun in the middle of preventive controls at more than double the established speed of 120 km/h.
There, police personnel began a chase to capture the driver, who ended up being arrested 40 km later.
Man drove car at 249 km/h in Frutillar
After achieving his arrest, it was revealed that the subject was driving a jaguar sports car and headed south.
Subsequently, it was made available to the competent court this Saturday, January 28, where it was formalized by reckless driving and had his driver’s license suspended for 6 months. This, according to what was reported by Fabián Fernández, prosecutor of Puerto Varas, who gave details of the sanctions applied to the subject.
“He was caught driving at a speed of 249 kilometers in a 120 km/h zone, exceeding, in this case, the permitted speed by more than 60 km/h, a limit established by the legislator so that the conduct is precisely constitutive of a crime. », he detailed.
In the same way, it specified that “the defendant was detained by police, made available to the court today, and a conditional suspension of the proceedings was imposed in his regard. However, he added that he can appeal to this “term formula” “because he has no past history in his extract nor similar behaviors during the validity of the new law.”
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Donation to an animal group
Meanwhile, as a result of the crime, the defendant will not only have a license suspension, but also you will need to make a donation to an animal group from the commune of Llanquihue.
It should be mentioned that, in case of recidivism, the suspension can be extended up to 5 years or permanently.
And it is that, since last year, any driver who exceeds the set limit by 60 km/h, faces penalties that vary from fines for 2 to 10 UTM, as well as the suspension of the license for six months to two years, if it were your first time.
Font: biobiochile