Learn to how to report a stolen car in usa and what are the steps you must follow to file a complaint with the competent bodies.
How to report a stolen vehicle?
Vehicle thefts can occur very frequently in different cities in the United States. Citizens have the option of reporting the incident and waiting for a response from law enforcement authorities.
If you are the victim of a carjacking in the USA, It is best to contact the police immediately.. To make the report you will need a series of documents that we will know later.
The security agencies They will request relevant information in order to locate and recover your car as quickly as possible, in addition to trying to apprehend the criminals.
At the time of the theft, it is essential to file a complaint with the police. Don’t let too much time passIt is best to proceed immediately. The report can be done by means of a report detailing how the events occurred, where the robbery occurred, how many people witnessed it, at what time it occurred, etc.
The more data you provide to the police, the better. Thus, organisms will have a better chance of locate and recover your car in record time.
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Step by step to report a stolen car in the USA
Did your car just get stolen in the USA? If so, don’t worry. There are ways to try to get it back. The first thing you should do is report the incident to the police. These are some of the steps you will need to perform:
Step 1: Submit a report
First of all, you must file a report with the police from your town where details everything that happened with the robbery. It is important to provide as much data as possible so that the authorities can act with more precision.
Consider the following information when preparing your report:
- Specifies the type of license and his number
- It is essential that you remember the VI (Vehicle identification number)
- Brandyear, model, color and other data of the stolen car.
- Describes the vehicle signs, of having a personal decal, dents, scrapes, scratches, etc. This can help the police identify you faster.
- custom plugins or wheel covers.
- take inventory of the things that were inside the car at the time of the robbery, without overlooking any detail.
- Describes people that the car was stolen, if you witnessed it (sex, skin color, height, etc.).
- Indicates the Plate number vehicle.
After making the report to the police and having consigned all the aforementioned information, the authorities will give you a report so that you can process what concerns your car insurance and thus notify the insurance what has happened.
Step 2: Report the ropo to the Insurance
If the car that was stolen from you was insured, then it is important to make the report to the insurance company. Owners must report the theft within the first 24 hours for the insurance company to record the claim as theft
By reporting the theft to the insurance company, you will be able to receive a cancellation timely, either total or partial, depending on the insurance policy you have purchased.
Step 3: What to do if I am the one who recovers the car?
In case you are the one who recovers the stolen car, then you should immediately proceed to report the fact to the police. This will help make the authorities aware of the recovery of the vehicle.
It is also recommended report the recovery of the car to the insurance company. That way you can protect the car policy.
Step 4: Contact your finance or leasing company
In case of lease or finance your car, keep the lender informed throughout the process. Once the insurance company processes your claim and disburses the payment to the lender, the remaining funds will go to you.
Step 5: Contact the DMV
Auto theft is also important report it to your local Department of Motor Vehicles. Remember that each state has its own laws and handles this part differently.
You may have to file the report within a certain amount of time. The important thing is to proceed to report as quickly as possible and not let a lot of time pass. Access the government website in your state to find your DMV and more information.
Use a GPS tracker
It is most advisable that the police be in charge of investigating and locating your stolen car, however there are other alternatives. For example, you can use a gps tracker to facilitate the process.
also can consult the free VINCheck tool of the National Insurance Crime Office. Participating insurance companies use this database to report cars listed as salvage vehicles.
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What to do before reporting a car as stolen?
It is normal that at the time of witness a carjacking you feel a series of mixed emotions such as fear, fear, despair, anger or sadness. In these situations it is important to remain calm and avoid falling into confrontation with criminals.
Before reporting a car as stolen, calm down and breathe. Wait a moment to organize your ideas and proceed to file the corresponding complaint with the police agencies.
Now, if it was that when you left some place where you were and just when you go to look for the car it is not there, The best thing to do before reporting the theft is to try to investigate what happened. You can ask some witnesses about the event and if they saw anything strange.
What to do after or if your car is repossessed
Generally, Police take a couple of days to recover a stolen carAlthough everything will depend on each case. If your vehicle is recovered, the authorities will contact you to inform you.
The officer will tell you where to pick up your car and will give you an estimate for any impound fees. It will also ask you if you want the car to be processed as evidence.
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Recommendations to take into account
There are a number of recommendations that you should take into consideration if you are the victim of a car theft in the United States.
1: Keep calm
It is essential keep calm and not fall into despair. Avoid arguing with criminals, as that could make the situation worse and put your integrity at risk. Let the police take care of locating and apprehending them.
2: Resistance
There is no point in resisting theft. Remember that criminals have a clear objective, and it is to steal your car as a matter of course. If you resist, you can provoke the wrath of the wrongdoers and it will be worse. It’s like giving him the opportunity to draw a weapon that could put your life at risk.
3: Do not show nerves
If you’re inside your car and the criminals approach you, it is best to follow their instructions, always trying to remain calm and not show nervousness.
4: Display
Try to visualize the criminals very well to save as much physical data as possible, such as the way they dress, how they speak, build, skin color, etc. This will be very helpful when you go to the police to file the complaint.
How to prevent your car from being stolen in the future
This is what you can do to prevent your car from being stolen again in the future:
- avoid keep valuables inside of your car that may attract the attention of criminals.
- Keep your car windows closed.
- Activate an immobilization device or alarm for added security.
- Park the vehicle in safe places and well lit.
- Don’t leave your car running in the driveway.
- Evaluate the idea of buy a newer car. Criminals generally target older vehicles as they are easier to steal.
Does insurance cover car theft?
Having the car insured can be of great help. at the time of any accident or irregular situation. When buying a policy, it is important to investigate with the insurance broker what coverage it offers and its benefits.
There are insurers that provide support to its policyholders in moments of anguish or despair due to a car theft. However, most of them do their research first before making any refunds.
The an integral part of an insurance policy covers stolen vehicles, but keep in mind that this is an optional coverage. In any case, the insured must verify their premium and make sure they have that active coverage. Comprehensive insurance costs an average of $134 per year.
How do I know if my car was repossessed?
It’s easy to know if a stolen car was recovered. The ideal is to go to the police in search of information, although if you already have the complaint filed, it is most likely that they will contact you to inform you about the ransom.
It is also important investigate the place where you had parked your carto make sure that it has not been towed by a tow truck, for parking it in the wrong area.
If you had the car in a parking lotIt is advisable to inquire with security personnel. You can also carefully read the tickets to verify where you parked it to have a clearer vision.
GPS app It can also be of great help in these cases. If you had your car linked, you can be sure that it will track it in less than you think. So you can know if it is where you left it or someone else has it in a different place.
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