Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez, suspicious accused of running over 25 recruits Los Angeles sheriff on a morning run, is released from jail.
Accused of running over 25 recruits is released
Driver Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez22 years old and from Diamond Bar was released this Thursday night after being apprehended on suspicion of attempted murder of a group of recruits jogging in a morning workout in South Whittier.
See also: USA: Latino driver ran over 25 cadets from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department; 5 in critical condition
gutierrez he was released at 9:49 p.m. and his arrest was only considered preventive detention. The records cite the California Penal Code 849where officials are authorized to release suspects until they obtain evidence of the alleged crime.
Although investigations continue, the suspect cannot be detained for more than 48 hours without presenting the case to prosecutors, according to Sgt. Gerardo Magosspokesperson for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
When the reasons are considered and the investigation presents evidence, the young suspect will be arrested.
“The evidence is there”said. “We just want to make sure it’s presented correctly.”
Sheriff Alex Villanueva indicated in an interview that researchers “They have developed probable cause to believe it was intentional.”
“They went through an exhaustive process of interviews with everyone involved, with the video surveillance, the statements of the recruits, the physical evidence they have and what they obtained from the suspect himself, and they were able to form the opinion that this was a deliberate act.” Indian.
villanueva confirmed to the newspaper los angeles times that there was probable cause to arrest the driver on suspicion of attempted murder Well, one piece of evidence is the abuse of the cadets.
The recruits were training in four columns, accompanied by instructors and two cars with black and white radios, when a Honda CRV struck them near the STARS Center Academy Sheriff’s Office in the 10600 block of Mills Avenue.
The vehicle was maintaining a speed of 30 to 40 mph, according to multiple witnesses. After deviating in an erroneous way, it hit the cadets.
The front row of runners managed to get out of the way, but the car collided with the others before crashing into a pole.
The scene had no skid marks and the driver remained inside the car. “From what I understand, he was in the vehicle with his foot still on the accelerator.” said.
Several of the inmates tried to help the injured, “It looked like a plane crash.”
“There were so many bodies strewn everywhere in different states of injury that it was quite traumatic for everyone involved,” said.
Several recruits had head trauma and loss of limbs. Five of the recruits were critically wounded and the rest had various injuries.
Seven recruits are hospitalized, some of whom are in critical condition, and others with serious injuries, one of whom underwent emergency surgery.
the recruit Alexander Martinez, who underwent surgery on Wednesday. He suffered major head trauma and multiple fractures.
Los Angeles County Fire Captain Mark Spirit said “I’ve never seen anything of this magnitude.” Adding that the “cars were flying up and down here.”
gutierrez He was arrested at the scene and presented minor injuries. The breathalyzer test came back negative. However, it is speculated that he could be under the influence of other substances.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: laopinion.com