A brave man enters a burning vehicle and moves it avoiding a catastrophe at a service station in Cercado de Lima, Peru.
Man enters a burning vehicle in Cercado de Lima
A man did not hesitate for a moment to risk his life to prevent a major disaster. The call “Hero of Venezuela Avenue” He was walking through the sector when he observed that a car was on fire.
A short distance away was a “tap” or service station: “I got into the car, put it in neutral, moved the rudder and we pushed it. We accommodated him (in a street far from the tap) and there he exploded ”, counted.
See also: Man tries to put out burning car, but drops fire extinguisher and flies away (VIDEO)
The unidentified man did not hesitate to save the people who were there, getting into the car and letting it go a few meters so that it would not explode near the fuel. “It is not about bravery, we are here to help each other and think of the rest. (…) At any moment I can die, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, that (death) does not come to mind when you come to help ”, added.
The people who were there thanked him for his heroic feat, because if it had exploded near the station the damage would have been worse and probably with thousands of victims.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: larepublica.pe