A driver in a Ferrari it is arrested by the Spanish police in Cádiz, for not having a driver’s license and driving at 233 km/h.
Ferrari driver arrested for speeding
According to him Title XVII (crimes against collective security) of the Penal Code, in the article 379 criminal conduct against Road safety it is: “driving a vehicle exceeding the maximum speed allowed by 60 km/h on urban roads or 80 km/h on interurban roads”.
See also: SPAIN – Driver who ran over a motorized vehicle and fled in Donostia is arrested
Members of the Jerez de la Frontera Traffic Detachment (Cádiz)arrested a driver on November 11 in a Ferrari who was driving at 233 km/h on a road limited to 120 km/h.
The model he was driving was a Ferrari F8 Spidera four-liter convertible supercar, with a V8 engine that delivers 721 HP of power, which allows it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds and achieve a top speed of 340 kilometers per hour.
The events occurred around 8:17 p.m. on the Jerez-Los Barrios highway (A-381) when the driver, who was going to Jerez de la Frontera, was detected by a speed control at 233 km/h.
a patrol of Traffic Detachment of Jerez de la Fronteraarrested the driver for the offense committed.
After requesting the regulatory documents, the Civil guards They realized that he was driving without a driver’s license because he had lost it.
The driver will be charged with vial security felonywith a prison sentence of three to six months, with a fine of twelve to twenty-four months or with work for the benefit of the community of thirty-one to ninety days.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: motor.elpais.com