A video began to circulate on social networks showing some minibus passengers kicking assailants out of the vehicle.
The record shows that the event occurred around 06:13 am, when the passengers of a Mexico City minibus apparently managed to foil a robbery kicking the thieves out of the unit, who ended up fleeing.
Through security cameras located in Santiago Zapotitlanin the Tláhuac town hall, shows how the transport unit is circulating on an avenue and suddenly a supposed thief flies out the back door.
Behind this, another person kicked another criminal out of the vehicle with a kick from the front door of the minibuswhich immediately hit a post. The two subjects met and ran to flee the site, behind them was a motorcyclistapparently his accomplice.
SEE ALSO: Driver runs over an old woman while reversing her car in Tlalpan, Mexico (+ Video)
After several seconds in which the passengers are shocked by what happened due to the impact, they began to get out of the vehicle with their backpacks Y belongings.
On August 31, the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) reported that in CDMX they have registered 2,717 robberies to collective public transportof which 639 they went with violence.
According to the National Urban Public Security Survey with a cutoff date of June, The Tláhuac mayor’s office is in the third place with the highest perception of insecurity in public transportbehind Azcapotzalco and Xochimilco.
In the document they state that the 84.6% of the inhabitants of the demarcation said they felt insecure on public transport.
One was thrown out the back door, the other gets kicked and goes out the front door, they run terrified until they join their accomplice on a motorcycle. #ARE #THATERS
they came #Raiding to passengers in Santiago Zapotitlan in #Tlahuac.
The truck ended up crashing. pic.twitter.com/aGL8zy476W
– VICTOR GÁLVEZ (@Huatoo) October 13, 2022
Editorial GossipVehicle.