Two students from the Madero University lost their lives in the middle of an accident in front of the Zavaleta Center shopping plaza.
The media reported the death of two master’s students from Madero University (UMAD) in a collision with a fixed object on Calzada Zavaletajust in front of the commercial square Zavaleta Center; one died at the scene of the traffic incident and another died later in the private hospital where he was being treated.
The terrible event was recorded in the curve of the aforementioned roadbefore reaching the Poblano Child Boulevard. The first reports from the sources consulted presume that the occupants of the car, a gray Versa, were apparently drunk and speeding, so that upon reaching the aforementioned curve, the driver lost control over the steering wheel and collided with a post and some metal bollards.
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The vehicle was totally destroyed.however, the driver who is now known nicknamed him “If my” of 26 years oldand one m19-year-old woman traveling in the passenger seat ended up with serious injuries, while another man who later identified as 26-year-old Jehu who was in the back seat and died instantly after the impact.
After this, emergency medical technicians and road agentsboth from the municipality of Puebla and the state, went to the scene where they confirmed the death of a man.
The driver and the woman were treated and taken to various hospitals; the man to the Angeles hospital where his death was later reported, and the woman until Sunday night was still in the hospital in Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Health Sector.
Because the victims gave off the smell of alcoholthe authorities presumed that they were under the influence of alcohol, and although the above will be determined through toxicological tests, it was also later He learned that the Jehu and “Simi” went out from Saturday night to two clubs and then to an after party where they left.
Hours later, companions of the victims pointed out that the two men were studying for a master’s degree at UMAD, however They did not know the young woman who was with them.
Meanwhile, road agents were in charge of the corpse removal proceedings at the accident site and experts from the Prosecutor’s Office at the hospital.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from The Sun of Puebla.