In the last hours, some violent events were unleashed in the community of Renca that ended with a burned car, two deaths and several injuries.
A shooting that took place in Renca during the last hours, which left as balance one dead, two women shot, a burned car and a 17-year-old adolescent who miraculously saved after a bullet passed very close to his head.
In the investigation carried out by the PDI, it was confirmed various acts of violence recorded during the last hours in Renca. It all started when criminals reached Totoral Bajo street and fired several shots against a woman who was outside his home. The victim was transferred by relatives to the Felix Bulnes Hospitalwhere it is out of vital risk.
Later, the police arrived at the scene to carry out the respective tests, when they realized that a second criminal act which also left the balance of a woman shot.
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In this case, criminals stole a driver’s car to move the wound to a care facility, but the vehicle was abandoned practically in the same place where it was stolen.
This was detailed by Commissioner Sebastián Vergara, of the Homicide Brigade, who pointed out that the second woman is also out of vital risk.
However, the events in Renca did not end there. During the early morning, individuals returned to the home where the first woman was shot and fired shots. Then they burned a car.
The worst part came from a neighbor who had nothing to do with it, since impacts affected his house and even bullets passed within inches of a 17-year-old’s head. So said the homeowner himself.
While, the murder of a man was also recordedwhich at the moment is still an ongoing investigation by the PDI.
The investigative work focused on determining the identity of those responsible for shooting the people and determining any link between all the cases.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from BioBioChile.