Few things in life go hand in hand like vans and camping in the wild. The same cannot be said about sports cars, which are mainly used on the track, at supercar gatherings, and at fan meetings. However, with Porsche’s new roof hood, a performance engine like the 911 can be taken to camp and used as a camper.
Designed, developed and manufactured by Porsche Tequipment, the German company’s division of original accessories and upgrades, the roof tent takes the form of a large hardcase when not in use. It can be mounted on roof transport systems of models such as the 911, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera, and Taycan, regardless of whether they come with roof rails or not.

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When fully deployed, the roof awning provides a great view of the outside thanks to two side windows and a skylight. The tent can accommodate two adults and can be used in all seasons, says Porsche. The tent comes with an integrated polyfoam mattress. Visually, the sidewalls mimic the style of the 911 and there are Porsche logos in several places.
The automaker says setting up a roof awning is super easy. All you have to do is unlatch the lockable box safety latch, lift the hardcase up a bit, and open it with the help of two gas pressure shock absorbers. In the final step, you have to pitch the tent and secure it with the four integrated posts.
Porsche will soon start selling the roof tent in two available color schemes – black-light gray and black-dark gray. Even more genuine Porsche camping accessories will soon be added to the catalog, including inner tents, heated blankets and shoe organizers.
Deliveries of the roof tent are expected to begin in November this year. It sells for €4,980 or about $5,000 at current exchange rates. The manufacturer says the tent cannot be installed on the GT, Cabriolet and Targa models.