Like any person interconnected through social networks, you must surely know the latest news of the moment: Shakira has released a new song and has a message for Piqué. His collaboration with BZRP has given rise to talk in the underworld of the networks due to the marked message towards his ex-partner, the footballer Gerard Piqué. It is impossible to go through any social network without actually reading a comment on the subject, but what brings us here is that the Colombian singer touched a sensitive point for those who keep a special place in their hearts for the Renault Twingo.
And it is that, in her song BZRP Music Sessions #53, Shakira mentions about the infidelity that ended her marriage with Piqué, where she mentions about it «You traded a Ferrari for a Twingo, you traded a Rolex for a Casio«. A heavy blow for sure.
What the networks say about Shakira’s message to Piqué in his new song
Regarding this verse in particular, many Twitter users have raised their voices. Some positioning themselves from how little feminist it is to compare women, to the lack of art in this stage of Shakira’s music compared to her previous installments. However, among everything, there is always a faction of Twitter focused on humor. It is this group that did not let the stanza go by when questioning: What was the fault of the poor Renault Twingo?

Although, it is quite clear what Shakira was trying to say with the stanza “you changed a lot for little”. And there’s nothing personal against the Twingo, maybe it was the first cheap car that crossed your mind, the problem is that you accidentally chose one of the most beloved small cars in various regions of the world.

But, don’t worry, as we said, several Renault Twingo owners and fans have taken it with humor. Thus, the song has provided a new entertainment theme and allowed new memes to be brought to the scene, as well as opportunists taking advantage of Twingo’s exposure to announce the sale of theirs and even coerced the video of a Twingo colliding with a Ferrari. Undoubtedly, networks do not disappoint in creativity.
For its part, Renault has not missed the opportunity either, being the Spanish account of the brand the one that published an image of Twingo, accompanied by a text that alludes to another verse of Shakira’s song.
For guys and girls like you. Turn up the volume! #Renault #Twingo #clearly #young #urban #electric #agile #Iconic #compact #naughty pic.twitter.com/eND207qM3H
– Renault Spain (@renault_esp) January 12, 2023
If we must recognize something about Shakira, it is that she has been able to capitalize on a love disappointment. And while she’s not the first or last artist to do so, she’s the one who’s been grabbing the headlines today. Here are some of the funniest Tweets we’ve ever seen:
I’ve done a lot of horrible things but I’ve never called anyone Twingo.
– Councilor D Celebrations (@Concejajala) January 12, 2023
It had to be done. Twingo vs. Ferrari pic.twitter.com/lMcrngAdgz
— Fernando Poveda (@FerPoveda94) January 12, 2023
I take advantage of the diffusion of the topic of #Shakira #ShakiraBZRP #ShakiraxBizarrap to inform that I am selling my TWINGO!! 2011 model, 1200cc with AA, AIRBAG, E glasses, 114,000 km. SOAT and TECNO for October. Plate ending in 6 of Bogotá
Info by clicking herehttps://t.co/itfL0QMmNb pic.twitter.com/o2SbXwvhak
— Dealer of N95🔻🐝🥑 (@ElDeLosTapaboca) January 12, 2023
The Twingos after listening to Shakira: pic.twitter.com/OUypavmGou
— National University Memes (@nacional_memes) January 12, 2023
It had to be done. Twingo vs. Ferrari pic.twitter.com/lMcrngAdgz
— Fernando Poveda (@FerPoveda94) January 12, 2023
Calling a woman Twingo hasn’t been very feminist of Shakira now that I think about it, right?
—Future (@FTREFORMED) January 12, 2023
In case you want to listen to the complete song, you can see it on Youtube:
- The luxury car in which Gerald Piqué would have cheated on Shakira (+Video)
- All the luxury cars that Shakira and Piqué would be disputing after media separation (+ Images)
Font: motorpassion