During the black friday campaign in Spain, the DGT has left more than 6,300 fined drivers; in relation to this, the two most detected infractions have been related to the ITV (technical inspection of vehicles) and speed limits.
Specifically, the surveillance campaign was carried out between Monday, November 21, and Sunday, November 27, coinciding with the aforementioned Black Friday and with the consequent increase in van movements during those days.
Drivers fined by the DGT on Black Friday
During the aforementioned seven days, the DGT controlled more vans than in the year 2020. A total of 124,157 compared to the 102,228 two years ago. The total number of offenders was 6,365Likewise, a higher number than last season (6,158 offenders).
And although the percentage of complaints has decreased, the numbers have generally been higher in this latest campaign. Of course, it was to be expected, given the designated date, with a frenetic commercial activity due to discounts.
Violations for expired ITV
The most numerous inspection of the campaign was not having the technical inspection in order, with almost 2,000 vans without ITV, a total of 1,957 drivers have been reported for this. A figure that draws attention, because this offense was not among the most penalized in the past surveillance campaign.
Results #CampaignControl #vansbetween 21 and 27 November
✔️124,157 vans have been controlled (22,000 more than in the campaign carried out in 2019).
🛑 6,365 drivers did not comply with any traffic regulations.▶️https://t.co/Fm7IEAVI4N#ResponsibleDriving #ZeroRisks pic.twitter.com/xQna4oIHb3
— Dir. Gral. Tráfico (@DGTes) December 9, 2022
To this is added that 205 They were fined for driving with bad tires. And 123 vans for not meeting the minimum safety conditions to circulate. In 2020 there were only 77.
The lack of ITV is an increasingly pressing problem in the country of the old continent. Actually, in the month of October, the DGT carried out a campaign focused only on the technical inspection for any vehicle. The result was that almost 60% of those monitored were penalized for not keeping it up to date. Of these, the most numerous were precisely vans, followed by cars.
speeding violations
The other infraction that stood out the most was the breach of speed limits, with nearly 1,500 fines. In total, 1,464 drivers were fined for this reason. Although the number of offenders in this category dropped (with 1,600 in 2020), it continues to be one of the offenses most committed by this group, having to step on the accelerator to meet the established delivery times.
In addition, another numerous fault were the irregularities related to the load in the vehicle. Being more than 550 drivers fined for infractions related to this aspect: a total of 302 for exceeding the permitted weight and 250 for disposing of it incorrectly.

On the other hand, 471 complaints were made in relation to the documentation (of the drivers or the vehicle). In addition, there were 119 vans that circulated without mandatory insurance, more than double the cases of the 2020 campaign, which were 58.
Finally, the DGT fined 365 occupants for not wearing seatbelts, it should be remembered that, for professional drivers, its use is mandatory on fast or interurban roads. Meanwhile, 130 drivers tested positive for alcohol and drugs: 71 for drugs and 59 for alcohol.
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Font: motorpassion