Survey reveals the reasons why Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike

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Survey shows the reasons why Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike
Image courtesy of – Survey shows the reasons why Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike

Shimano, the most prestigious cycling brand, annually carries out one of the most exhaustive studies in the industry with the aim of evaluating the general trend of the same regarding the electric bikes.

And it is that, let us remember that this type of means of transport has acquired a notable role in recent years, being the segment with the highest growth in the market. Although the causes of the mentioned growth have been varying with respect to time.

If in the midst of a pandemic by 2021 e-bikes were increasing due to fear of contracting COVID-19 on public transport, throughout 2022 the causes became of a different nature, having a lot to do with the socioeconomic situation.

A cure against the price of gasoline

The report was produced based on the opinion of more than 15,000 respondents from 12 different countries. And as mentioned before, in 2021 39% of respondents said that the main reason for using an electric bike was the fear of contracting COVID-19 on public transport. However, now in 2022 that fear has dropped to 18%.

On the contrary, the point that has gained a very high prominence is the cost of living, ranking as the main reason for using an e-bike. Specifically, 47% of users consider that it is a good option against fuel price increase and public transport.

Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike for these reasons according to a survey
Image courtesy of – Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike for these reasons according to a survey

Additionally, 41% indicate that their main motivation is the subsidies on the initial investment in the purchase of e-bikes with respect to a mechanic.

Survey shows reasons for Spaniards who decide to buy an electric bike

Similarly, one of the main reasons for the Spanish who decide to buy an electric bike in Spain according to the Shimano survey it is also the cost of living, reaching 56% among those surveyed, 9 points above the average for Europe.

This is because in Spain many workers do not have enough money to buy and maintain a car, but they do have enough money to buy an electric bicycle. Apart from that for many saving is important and e-bikes are a good way to do it. In the same way, the fact that many populations do not have a public transport infrastructure that is sufficiently efficient or large also has an influence.

The survey not only provides the causes that encourage cyclists to purchase an e-bike, they also indicate the type of average user. Thus, although 47% of Europeans bet on the e-bike for economic reasons, 35% do it to take care of their health, especially those over 55 years of age. In addition, women are the majority, with 51% among those who seek to reduce expenses and assess the environmental impact (36% compared to 30% of men).

What reasons would drive the electric bike the most?

The concern for the environmente is also a major cause (33% of those surveyed) more than anything in countries affected by heat and drought (Italy 51% and Spain 46%). It is worth mentioning that young people between the ages of 18 and 24 are the most concerned about their environmental impact.

According to those surveyed, there are more reasons that would drive the use of the electric bike. For example, the health benefits for people (32%) or the creation of infrastructures to have better security (31%).

Image courtesy of – Survey reveals reasons why Spaniards decide to buy an electric bike

However, the claim that the cycling infrastructure has been improved in your locality in the last 12 months, has resulted in the European population 45% disagree and 21% strongly disagree, and 24% tend to disagree.

The Shimano study also reveals that 2 out of 5 Europeans do not own a bicycle, with a percentage of 48% among those over 55 years of age. The Netherlands is the country with the highest number of bike owners, with only 13% responding that they do not have one.

Maintenance of an electric bike

Finally, it is known that in general, e-bikes need more maintenance than conventional ones; as the tires and drivetrain wear slightly faster given the weight of the bike and the torque produced by the pedal assist motor.

Image courtesy of – Electric bikes are flooding the Spanish market

Linked to this, according to the survey, 1 in 4 Europeans are likely to have their bike serviced in the next 6 months, plus 51% of bike owners say the service is important to keep them in good condition.

However, 12% only go to a service center when the bike breaks down; although in general, a timely or routine visit can avoid more expensive repairs in the future.


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