Maybe at some point you heard about the transparent solar panels, as a new technology that allows them to be installed on transparent surfaces. These […]
Tag: panels
This brand wants to turn the windows into solar panels
The solar panels in cars is not something new. Starting in the 1990s, some manufacturers began to mount them on the panoramic roof with the […]
Flexible solar panels, the future of electricity production in houses, homes and in portable mode
If you have heard about the flexible solar panels and you are curious to know what they are, you have come to the right place […]
Portable solar panels allow us to take advantage of solar energy anywhere and thus depend less on the electricity grid
With the price of solar technology falling, solar panels can be purchased at very low cost in the energy options or home improvement market. today […]
Virtual battery, solar piggy bank, solar wallet: the types of contracts that help you save on your electricity bill if you have solar panels
If you are one of those who want to save and make the most of your investment in solar panels, you can make use of […]
What are hybrid solar panels, the present and the future of energy production in the home
Today many people are interested in what solar energy is and many of them are interested in no longer being dependent on the electricity grid. […]