toyota hilux common failures reported by ownersusually report issues with water filtration in the immobilizer system of the doors and the alarm system, gearbox, in the steering and the brake system, soundproofing of noises and even complaints due to lack of assistance in agents or dealers authorized to deal with claims, they also complain about the terrible service. Customers also point out that they lose time and money with vehicles stopped at authorized assistance, because they do not have cars available in reserve to offer the user while their vehicle is being repaired. Others feel disappointed because they consider that these generations of Hilux do not have the same manufacturing and quality of the versions of past times, where they were almost indestructible.

What are the Toyota Hilux faults common faults reported by the owners
Toyota Hilux is one of the most admired and loved midsize pickups by many users. However, they are not free from presenting some faults reported by their owners, among which we find:
1. Water seepage and alarm problems

The central locking system of the doors, generally present failures after a simple washing on the outsideit is all because the The sealing of the doors is insufficient, allowing water to accumulate inside them, which causes the central locking to present problems, and in fact impairs the system of alarmthis leads to the door witnesses being left open, and in some closing all the doors, so it does not accept any key. This same failure occurs when dust enters through the doors of the truck, especially in places where there are dusty terrain.
2. Gearbox failures

The gearbox of the Toyota Hilux presents faults, which is due to a bad interrelation between the engine and its automatic transmissions, which generates a delay in gear changesinclusive some of the transmissions get stuck in only one gear, producing engine over revolution and high fuel consumption. This problem has caused anguish among many of the users, and in fact when they have complained to authorized agents or dealers about this failure, they have received as a response that it is something common in this type of vehicle.
3. Steering and brake problems

Others of the Common failures reported by the owners in these vans or pickups are problems in the direction and in the brakes, have always reported play and vibration in both the electronically assisted and non-assisted steering, to which many dealers have responded that it is a common feature on this brand’s model. In the case of braking, they have received reports of Excessive vibrations to the brakes, in some cases it is due to a fault in the brake tie, which generates vibration in the direction. In 2005-2006 7 brake pad changes were reported during the warranty period. Many owners stated that the braking was insufficient for the size of the vehicle, while dealers responded that it was due to misuse of the brakes.
4. Noise insulation failures

Many owners of the Toyota Hilux specifically 2019, complained about a excessive noise in the vehicle suspension, originating from the leaf springs of the rear axle, as well as the rear axle. A case was reported where the driver took the pick up twice for review at 20,000 and 30,000 kilometers, so that they will verify the noise in the rear suspension. Meanwhile, the information obtained from the dealers that it was a fault that would be solved by changing a piece of the spring, then they offered to clean them, indicating that they would still get dirty, which would lead to paying a high price for this service. .
5. Fuel gauge

Another problem presented by the Toyota Hilyux versions corresponding to the years 2010 to 2015, the fuel float, many owners point out that the warning light comes on on the dashboard and remains stuck at ¾ fuel. While in the 2003 models it remains at zero, that is, it does not mark anything. They have requested help from the dealers, who proceed to change the floats in the gas tank, in certain cases they also replace the dashboard, and the computer, however, to this day it continues with the same problem.
6. Internal lights
Toyota Hilyux drivers also report problems turning on the interior light, they do not turn on correctly, in addition, when changing from low to high beam, the high beam indicator goes out, immediately affecting the fuel gauge.
7. Computer crashes

Many drivers of the Toyota Hilyux truck report failures in the computer, especially when accelerating to start, sometimes when accelerating the engine knocked, and when continuing with the normal march both the computer and the accelerator did not respond at a speed of 100 km.
8. Power problems

Complaints from many Toyota Hilux owners continue, manifesting low power and unbearable dark-colored smoke emanating from the exhaust. In addition to the annoying noise that originates from the turbo, this whole set of failures generates the total loss of boost pressure.
9. Poor lubrication

The lubrication factor has not been left behind, when owners report Toyota Hilux failures, they indicate that the turbo requires a regular flow of liquid to obtain proper operation. The failure comes from defective joints between the engine and the compressor, which is why the oil leaks to the exhaust.
10. Compressor and turbine problems
They are two important components in the turbo, but its design is sensitive to the entry of external objects such as small stones, tree leaves and anything similar that is found on the road. Many owners report that these types of objects affect the compressor and turbine, thus minimizing the efficiency of the turbo.
Writing Gossipvehicle