The Senate approved this Thursday an initiative that is now ready to be enacted, this bill promotes the storage of electrical energy and electromobility. And, among the novelties that it entails is that the owners of electric cars in Chile as well as hybrids They will not pay a driving licensea benefit that they will have for two years, but also, after this period, they will have another six discounts.
With this Chili seeks to promote a greater participation of renewable energies in the electrical matrix, emphasizing its storage. “Currently, a large part of what is generated by solar, wind and photovoltaic energy, among others, is discarded due to the congestion of the transmission lines,” they expressed from the Senate.
Three axis project and energy storage system
The project has three axes. The first is the relationship with the enabling of energy storage systems.
In this way, pure storage systems could be enabled, not associated with plants, and thus receive income for energy and power in the generation market of the National Electric System.
Similarly, it is incorporated into the “storage systems” in different regulations of the General Law of Electric Services to enable their remuneration.
“It will allow the development of storage projects of various technologies (batteries, compressed air, among others) and maximize the integration of variable renewable energies such as solar and wind,” they indicated.

Generation-consumption systems and benefit for owners of electric cars in Chile
The second axis of the project is based on the incorporation of generation-consumption systemsfor example, a productive infrastructure for the production of hydrogen or desalination of water that can be generated in its own way, to withdraw energy from the electrical system through a supplier or inject surpluses.
And, finally, the third axis of the initiative is the exemption from circulation permits for owners of electric and hybrid cars.
From the Senate they indicated in this regard that: “It provides the exemption, within a period of two years counted from February 1 after the publication of this project as law, of the payment of the circulation permit, which corresponds to the electric and hybrid vehicles with external electrical chargingas well as others qualified as zero emissions by exempt resolution of the Ministry of Energy, whose year of manufacture corresponds to that of the publication of the law, to the subsequent ones or to the year prior to it”.
“Establish a progressive reduction in the payment of the circulation permit regarding vehicles that meet the characteristics and year of manufacture indicated above, during the six years following the established exemption.they added.
This discount has a schedule:
- During the third and fourth year, 25% of the corresponding circulation permit will be paid.
- For the fifth and sixth year 50% of the tax.
- Between the seventh and eighth year 75% of the corresponding permit.
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Font: biobiochile