These gas stations will maintain their own discount

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The year 2022 ends with changes in service stations. This week, the Government announced that the bonus of 20 cents on fuel is no longer general in nature and will only apply to professional road transport, farmers and fishermen, without forgetting shipping companies. However, one must not forget that gas stations had their own discounts: what will happen to them?

Since last March, before government aid arrived, some oil companies launched their own discounts. At first, they were only associated with their loyalty programs and they increased the bonus to 30 cents: a movement with which the driver could save, on average, 10-12 euros per deposit.

Over the months, they eliminated this condition and increased the discount for their customers: which is why we have seen discounts that almost doubled the initial 20 cents. What will happen now? As pointed out from okdailythe intention of the oil companies is keep your own bonuses considering the current context. They will, yes, with nuances.


Repsol was the first to make a move: in mid-March it announced that, at its pumps, the discount would be 30 cents because it added 10 cents to the state discount. Now has repeated play: has announced what will happen to its discounts now that the 20 cents disappear for almost all drivers.

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The Spanish oil company has released a statement to inform that, exceptionally, it will extend its reduction with a series of conditions: it will be 10 cents and will only be available to drivers who use their Waylet payment and loyalty application. Therefore, it eliminates the five cents that, until now, it discounted indiscriminately from all those who used fuel at its more than 3,300 service stations.

The discount will be applied to all fuels (gasoline, diesel, natural gas for vehicles and AutoGas) and will be available until March 31, 2023. After the winter, continuing with the multi-energy strategy that has been implemented, Repsol’s reduction will be linked to its electricity and gas, solar and electric mobility offer.

Cepsa and BP

Cepsa and BP, according to The Independentis it so studying the formula to maintain your discounts and, thus, retain all the customers they have gained in recent months. Although there are four days left until the end of 2022, both oil companies want to speed up the margin they have available to determine if they continue to assume the extra cost of that reduction or increase the margins.

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cepsa It followed the same path as Repsol: it began by offering an extra discount of 10 cents only for its customers, and then increased it and added a bonus of 5 cents for those who were not part of its loyalty plan. In this new scenario, he could choose to return to that initial situation, just as Repsol has done. It remains to be seen, too, what will be the decision of BP: the British applied a discount of 12 cents per liter to private drivers and 14 cents to carriers.

Low cost gas stations

The ‘low cost’ gas stations, for their part, seem not to change the script they have followed up to now: offer adjusted prices, but without extra discounts. Being smaller companies, they have less financial muscle and cannot match the offers of the big oil companies. If the latter keep the discounts, now that the 20 cents are going to disappear, it can translate into a loss of customers.

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