The Creole liveliness does not always solve problems, that was demonstrated in the recent viral video shared through the platform TikTokwhere a Venezuelan tried to circumvent the evidence of alcohol in a control carried out by an officer in USA.
The video is recorded by the body camera of the agent in charge of carrying out the traffic stop.
The driver is detained by a Latino policeman, after he noticed that the woman he didn’t have his lights on and he was not keeping his lane.
“I am officer Peña and I am going to check that you are okay to drive tonight”, begins the interaction between the protagonists of the video. “Get out of the vehicle and face the police car.
Read More: Fines and Penalties for Drunk Driving in the USA (All States)
At that time, a questionnaire began to determine the degree of the woman’s driving ability. Peña asked her if she had taken it during the night, but the girl decided start lying.
“No, I work in a bar and the smells stick”, assured the Venezuelan, but the policeman refuted her saying that his mouth emanated the smell of alcohol.
“I’ll make sure you’re okay to driveWhen was the last time you took something?”, insisted the authority.
From that moment on, the Venezuelan, presumably marabine by his way of speaking, he began to change his version “I only had a drink of tequila, I’m fine (…) I drank about half an hour ago.”
According to the female, she was in a “10 out of 10” for driving. However, their answers they did not convince the officer who proceeded to carry out multiple tests with the intention of checking its status.
In our opinion, the girl, although a little slow, effectively completed the test carried out by the police, perhaps a 7/10, but agent Peña was not satisfied with the results. Nor was it “sweetened” for the driver’s nervous smile and her attempt to be liked.
To leave any doubt, the official Grief made the breathalyzer test. The results showed that he exceeded the limit, since he proceeded to handcuff the young woman before her disbelief. “Oh really”, she said surprised.
“Don’t be like that… Don’t do this to me if I don’t hurt anyone, I was on my way home”, the woman began to wail.
Obviously, the lies condemned the Venezuelan, starting by assuring that she had not drunk in principle and then saying that “He just had a shot of tequila.” So you will surely have to pay a fine and have a bad night at the Police Department.
Unfortunately, we lack information in this regard, such as the state in which the arrest was made, which would make it easier to determine the sanction that he will have to face. In the video they assure that it will be “3 thousand dollars”, if so their lies came out very expensive and his attempt to get out of traffic control.
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