The traffic signals they will receive new images from next year 2023 to adapt to the new traffic law in Spain.
Traffic signs in Spanish territory receive a makeover
The basic concept of what are traffic signals in the Spanish territory it will remain almost in its entirety. However, a modernization of road signs will be added as of January 2 of next year, when the new text of the General Traffic Regulations.
See also: Ford Pro is testing new technology that would make road signs obsolete
This regulation together with the traffic signs are about 18 years old, being updated due to the evolution of mobility.
«Eighteen years after the approval of Royal Decree 1428/2003, of November 21, the changes both in mobility and in the social, technological and cultural environment that have occurred in recent years mean that it is necessary to validate whether the signaling maintains the communicative potential and achieves the adequate understanding of the information by the users”, explains the project of the new Royal Decree.
“If necessary, it should be modified to improve the ability to transmit messages and to respond to new needs that arise.”
The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) and the Ministry of Interior They noted the following objectives:
- Improvement of Road Safety by updating and clarifying vertical signage, construction signage and beaconing, agent signs, circumstantial signage, traffic lights and road markings.
- Update to adapt to current regulationsto technical development, to changes in the amount of traffic and its composition, to new approaches based on the safety of road infrastructures and to the new sources of energy that motor units will use.
- Remove inappropriate connotations in terms of gender.
- Facilitate future adaptations or changes in the symbolism and technical characteristics of vertical signage and road markings.
The new text on signage of traffic includes modifications in configuration and dimensions of road signs.
Signs with crosswalks will now have their silhouette outlined to make it easier to see. Next to the combined or exclusive pedestrian crossings for bicycles.
A new danger signal will come for the proximity of a twisted lane, fog danger signs or the obligation to stop, with another font for the word STOP.
Signs for motorcycles and trains will be updated, as well as the danger due to the proximity of a school zone.
Add the signal of prohibition of passage for electric scooters and the direction of the slope is added to the signs that indicate danger due to a significant unevenness.
Signs are added that show the deviation of a multilane and 2+1 highways, which are highways with a single platform with separation between traffic directions.
Signs are added indicating exclusive parking for certain users, such as pharmacy customers.
The new traffic signs for the Spanish territory will progressively replace the old ones from the date established by law.
The draft of the new signal catalog has arrived at our hands late. We started the thread commenting on the main changes we have seen and our opinions on them. 1/
– roadszanjasyagujeros (@caminoszanjasy) November 5, 2022
Writing by Gossipvehiculos/Source: www.motor.es