Some Venezuelans were confirmed dead after they were victims of a traffic accident in Chiapas.
Through social networks it was learned that Three migrants from Venezuela died this Wednesday in a traffic accident in the Mexican state of Chiapas (south), bordering Guatemala, as reported by local authorities.
In the terrible event, several people were injured, which occurred in the municipality of Suchiate, around 11:44 local time, when the public transport vehicle in which they were traveling collided with the bed of a trailerdetailed the local secretary of Civil Protection.
In this way, it was confirmed thatThe Venezuelans died at the scene while another died later in a local hospital when he received medical attention, the state prosecutor’s office for migrants, which began the investigation of the mishap, told AFP.
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The nine injured have not yet been identified, however, it was known that five are Mexicans, three Venezuelans and another whose nationality is unknown. These were treated in three hospitals in the area, said the local Ministry of Health.
The Migration’s national institute (INM) indicated for its part that the wounded will receive humanitarian visas in order to regularize their stay in Mexican territory and guarantee their medical care.
On Tuesday, Another group of Venezuelan migrants had an accident when the van in which they were traveling overturned on the Mapastepec-Pijijiapan stretch of highway in the coastal region of Chiapas.authorities reported. Nine of them were injured in addition to three Mexicans.
In this way, in the year the Mexican government has received 77,000 Venezuelans as refugeesa figure that already equals the number of permanent residents of that country in Mexico, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard reported Wednesday.
Their presence has increased since an agreement came into force last week whereby the United States can return to Mexico those who try to enter irregularly through the border between the two countries.
#find out| Two Venezuelan migrants die in a car accident in #Chiapas.
Eight other people were injured, six of whom are also Venezuelans and two more of unknown origin. pic.twitter.com/ZXOTRlb5Iq
– Panorama Without Reservations 620 AM (@sinreservas620) October 19, 2022
Editorial GossipVehicle.