Tunnel effect when driving What is it and when does it occur?

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Tunnel effect when driving what it is and when it happens
Tunnel effect when driving what it is and when it happens

As a safe driver, you know the basic terms, signals, or principles when driving, but Have you ever heard of the tunnel effect? If you didn’t, or if you did, but you don’t remember what it is, stay until the end, because here we will explain what tunnel vision is and when it occurs. It is worth mentioning that this is very important while driving, so you should know the causes to try to minimize the chances of it occurring. Without further ado, we’ll tell you what you need to know.

What is the tunnel effect when driving?

First, you need to know what this is about. Tunnel vision is a condition that occurs while driving and limits your peripheral vision. When this happens, it may feel like you are looking through a tube or tunnel, which is why it is given this name.

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Of course, if peripheral vision is reduced, the aforementioned tunnel effect causes their reaction and anticipation capacities to decrease, in addition to favoring fatigue, aggressiveness or distractions.

Basically, this effect causes me to have a increased risk of an accidentsince it directly affects their perception as well as their ability to react to an unforeseen situation.

When does the tunnel effect occur?

Tunnel vision or the tunnel effect can happen at any time, but people with poor vision can experience it more easily than people without these problems. Furthermore, this phenomenon is directly related to speedthat is, the higher the speed, the lower the viewing angle.

While parked, your angle of vision is full (180°), but as you drive and accelerate, this angle begins to narrow, consequently not allowing you to be aware of your surroundings, cars or other items, distances, and of course, to react in an unforeseen event.

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tunnel effect while driving

It should also be mentioned that not only speed can cause tunnel vision, other factors that also contribute to this effect include:

  • Age
  • anxiety and stress
  • Alcohol and narcotic substances
  • Concussion or stroke
  • Headaches and migraines

How can I prevent it?

As we mentioned, this can happen at any time, but if you want to limit tunnel visionhere are some safe driving tips you can use to do just that:

  • Travel at or below the posted speed limit
  • Take frequent breaks if traveling longer distances
  • Avoid driving at night
  • Wear glasses if you need them
  • Wear sunglasses or a sun visor when necessary

We are not exempt from the fact that the tunnel effect is present when driving at any time in our lives, but there are ways to minimize the risks that this would cause, so the best thing we can do is drive safely and prevent possible mishaps that would cause place for tunnel vision.

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