Two passers-by were run over on the afternoon of Friday, January 6. both in different streets of miami beachby a woman who fled the scenes in both cases.
The first victim was a woman in the 44th Street and Collins Avenue. It was a tourist who was walking through the streets of Miami with her husband from Canada.
Chan, the husband, related that it was his “first time in Miami. We were excited walking down the sidewalk and out of nowhere a car came towards me, I dodged it but my wife was behind me and she ran over her. Luckily she didn’t hit her head but her shoulder and her knee are being treated, I hope everything is fine”.
Subsequently, some 13 streets to the north along the aforementioned avenue, in the 57th street and after fleeing the first accident, the driver collided with a vehicle and then collided with another pedestrian.
A man who, according to Telemundo 51, is at Jackson Memorial Hospital in critical condition.
“I am praying for him too. My wife is fine, the other man I don’t know, I’m just praying for himsaid Chang, the husband of the hit-and-run tourist.
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The suspect in the double accident that, in addition to injuring two people, collided with two vehicles was identified as Hanee Ramirez, 31 years old.
Ramirez was arrested Saturday night and is now at the TGK County Jail, where she will be arraigned for her injuries and leaving the scene of the accident.
At the time of the crashes, the woman was driving a black four-door sedan with tinted windows.
Writing New Electric Autos Source: telemundo51