The vehicle verification 2022 advances in Mexico City and the State of Mexico, so it is important to know the formalities vehicles.
The vehicle check is a mandatory process so you have to do it if you don’t want to avoid fines and setbacks.
The Mandatory Vehicle Verification Program for the second semester of 2022 indicates that vehicles registered in the capital of Mexico must be verified according to the color of their circulation sticker or the last number of their license plate.
What cars are verified in November 2022 in CDMX and Edomex?
The Secretary of the Environment (Sedema) notified that the cars to carry out the vehicular verification during November are the following:
Verification for cars with blue gumming and 9 or 0 license plate termination.
November is the last month to check vehicles with green gum, plate finish 1 or 2.
What is the cost of the 2022 vehicle verification?
In Mexico City, the price to pay for vehicle verification for 2022 is 585 pesos.
In the State of Mexico the cost is according to the hologram.
- 384 pesos – Hologram 1 and 2
- 481 pesos – Hologram 0
- 962 pesos – Hologram 00
Requirements for vehicle verification
- Valid circulation card
- Proof of the last vehicle verification
- Invoice copy (new vehicles)
- Do not have holding debts and infractions
- Make the verification payment
Read More: Mexico: How to participate for one of the 25 cars that will be raffled Farmacias Similares
How to schedule an appointment to verify?
To request an appointment at one of the verification centers, follow these steps:
To verify in CDMX
Go to the page https://verificentros.sedema.cdmx.gob.mx/DVC/
To verify in Edomex
Go to the page https://citaverificacion.edomex.gob.mx/RegistroCitas/
For both entities:
Select a city hall or municipality and the closest verification center
Press the button “Appointment here”
Fill out the form and select the day and time.
print the format
Vehicle verification calendar first semester of 2022
- Yellow, 5 or 6 in July and August
- Rosa, 7 and 8 in August and September
- Red, 3 and 4 in September and October
- Green, 1 or 2 in October and November
- Blue, 9 or 0 in November and December
What vehicles exempt vehicle verification?
Cars that received a double zero 00 hologram. These vehicles will be exempt from verification for up to three semesters after the semester in which the aforementioned hologram was obtained.
Penalty for extemporaneous verification
In case of not carrying out the procedure on time the car and the circulation in CDMX roads with ostensible, the fine amounts to 792 pesos.
While in the State of Mexico it will be paid 1924 pesos penalty for extemporaneous verification.
Editorial New Electric Autos Source: TheExcersior