After being run over by a motorcycle, the death of a young university student from Spain at the age of 23 was confirmed.
The crossing known as “the black point” of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia has claimed what would be its sixth fatality. That time was the case of a 23-year-old college girl, Marta Gironwho died as a result of serious injuries she suffered when she was hit by a motorcycle in Valencia.
The fatal accident occurred on October 5 at the confluence of Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez and Doctor Gómez Ferrer Street, one of the black spots in the city of Valencia, at the time when the victim and two companions were crossing a pedestrian crossing after leaving the Faculty of Medicine.
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The young woman hit and the motorist were assisted by the toilets of the Clinic Emergency Service. After receiving notice of the accident, two nurses came with wheelchairs to transfer the injured to the hospital.
However, eight days later the student died as a result of the serious injuries he sustained. The doctors they had to amputate both legs and they struggled in intensive care to try to save his life.
For its part, the driver of the motorcycle tested negative for breathalyzer that the Local Police carried out in the hospital moments after the outrage. According to the first police investigations, the young woman crossed the road with the pedestrian traffic light red and the motorcyclist was also circulating, apparently, with the light in amber or red, according to witnesses.
A team of reports from the Local Police has taken charge of the investigation of the causes of the accident and is also reviewing the traffic light phases of the intersectiona black spot where in 2010 and 2013 there were three other traffic accidents in which five more people died.
Marta Girón was a native of the Andalusian municipality of Andújar (Jaén) and he had one year left to finish his Medicine degree. The victim was a student at University of Granadaalthough this exercise was studying at the University of Valencia under the mobility program SICUE between Spanish superior centers.
After the serious crash, The young woman was left in a coma while her life hung by a thread.. The rectors of both academic centers were in contact at all times with the victim’s family and the doctors of the Clinical Hospital to inquire about the young woman’s condition.
Editorial GossipVehicle. With information from The Provinces.