MEXICO – Strong fire after road accident where a pipe collides with a combi (+ video)

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A pipe crashes into a combi and it catches fire, leaving several people injured and a woman dead, in Mexico.

Pipa collides with combi and catches fire

This Monday, December 12, early in the morning, a fatal accident was recorded in the State of Mexico, where a pipe hit a van with about 10 people. Of which 9 ended with various injuries and one woman lost her life.

See also: Shocking and voracious fire in a parts store in Hialeah, Florida (+Video)

The events were recorded at 6:00 a.m. on the José López Portillo road at the height of the San Carlos del Mexibús terminal in Ecatepec. The road is closed in both directions.

The reasons for the accident were that the driver of the pipe was driving at full speed carrying flammable fuel.

When the combi diverted in the road distributor to the low-speed lanes to carry out the descent and ascent of passengers, the pipe failed to stop in time and collided.

When carrying out the maneuver, the public transport unit received a strong impact at high speed due to the double pipe trailerwhich after the impact against the passenger unit crashed against the pole of a electric transformer setting the second trailer up in flames.

One of the people showed second and third degree burns on 80% of his body, being airlifted to the hospital. Hospital Magdalena de las Salinas in Mexico City.

The woman who lost her life after the crash was waiting to board the combi. Several videos circulate on social networks after the crash.

Due to the serious accident in Ecatepec, State of Mexico, authorities suspended the service of Line 2, which runs the route from Las Amércias to La Quebrada in Cuautitlán Izcalli.

Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: