Carabinero official threatened with his regulation firearm to application driver cell phone in Viña del Mar after an argument with a colleague.
Application driver is pointed with a firearm by Carabinero
Prosecutor’s Office, PDI and Carabineros from the garden city are investigating an incident involving an official. The 2nd Corporal of the Carabineros was on medical leave after a problem similar to the one he had with some street vendors in the center of Viña del Mar.
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Last Monday in Viña del Mar, a police officer threatened a mobile application driver with his firearm, in the Valparaíso region.
That night, a friend of the official left her cell phone in a driver’s car, after using the transfer service previously.
The woman agreed to see the mobile app driver to get the phone back. After arriving at the meeting point, in Plaza Parroquia, in front of Plaza Sucre, the driver told the woman that he would charge her for “the race” $10,000.
After this, a discussion began with all those involved. The carabinero, rank Corporal 2° and initials LAODpointed his regulation firearm at the driver of the unit who was accompanied by his sister.
The event was reported to the police station, but the policeman gave another version of the facts. However, the uniformed man was detained and available to the Prosecutor’s Office.
Days before, he had carried out a similar incident against some street vendors.
Both the Prosecutor’s Office, Investigative Police (PDI) and the First Carabineros Police Station, they maintain an investigation towards the official.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: www.biobiochile.cl