After a door slam attempt in Maipú, Santiago de Chili, a murdered criminal dies by a retired carabiniere. The event would have taken place on the night of Wednesday, December 21. The thug was taken to a hospital, but lost his life due to his injuries. Security cameras in the area captured the moment of the crime.
Criminal killed by retired police officer dies
According to the information available, a retired police officer shot a man in order to repel a door slam attemptafter being intimidated with firearms in the Maipú commune.
The crime occurred this Wednesday, December 21 at night in Cuatro Poniente with Chilean Antarctica, at which time a driver got into his vehicle, and later they appeared four armed subjects.
The criminals tried to intimidate the victim with the aim of stealing his car and one of them opened it pointed with a gunreason for which, the man who turned out to be a retired police officer, took out his personal weapon and shot the offender.

This caused the criminals to flee, who later arrived at the El Carmen Hospital in a vehicle with one of them injured. The man would have deceased due to the severity of his injuries.
Regarding the case, the investigation was carried out by the Robbery Brigade of the PDI. Felipe Ibáñez, the inspector, recounted how the events of the attack occurred.
Currently, they are working in order to clarify the events to determine if the act falls within the legitimate defense, in addition to arresting the rest of those involved in the attempted door slam.
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Fountain: biobiochile