Puerto Aisén he witnesses a traffic accident, where a drunk father crashes his car. His 8-year-old daughter dies and his partner is hospitalized due to the seriousness of his injuries.
Drunk man crashes in Puerto Aysén with serious consequences
An 8-year-old girl loses her life when the car her drunken father was driving hits the pedestrian protection barrier in front of the Kalem School, in Puerto Aysén, Aysén region.
See also: Chile – This was the cause of the traffic accident where a baby died in Lo Barnechea, according to police officers
The event occurred this morning, at 12:20 a.m., on Teniente Merino street, two blocks from the city’s Plaza de Armas.
According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the driver of the car lost control of it to crash into the wall at high speed.
The driver’s daughter lost her life after the strong crash, her partner had to be transferred to the Coyhaique hospital.
The prosecutor Pedro Pobletechief prosecutor of Aysén, indicated that a breathalyzer test was carried out on the driver to find that he exceeded the permitted limits.
“The result was 1.8 grs/lt of alcohol in the blood. The defendant went to detention control this morning at the Puerto Aysén Guarantee Court. The prosecutor of Shift, Marcela Valdés, ordered the attendance of personnel from the Carabineros, the specialized sections Traffic Accident Investigator (Siat) and the Crime Laboratory (Labocar). In addition, she ordered procedures for the IAPA, for the purpose of being able to locate other elements that allow clarifying the circumstances of the crime ”.
The 42-year-old driver was charged with driving while intoxicated with death and serious injury. The court ordered pretrial detention while the investigation pertinent to the case is carried out.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: www.biobiochile.cl