After the victory of the Argentine team during the World Cup, many videos of celebrations have filled social networks, although some more unusual than others. This is the case of a grandfather who drifted with a tractor as a celebration for the victory in the world cup.
One of the hits of Qatar 2022 without a doubt is the “Grandma la la la la la la”. It originated in Villa Luro, but was repeated in every corner of the Argentine Republic. But this was not only dedicated to grandmothers, but also to grandfathers.
Thus, a video that recently went viral on the networks shows a grandfather who, in full celebration of the victory of the albiceleste in the Qatar 2022 World Cuphe began to drift with a tractor while from below they sang the well-known song to him.
Grandpa drifts with a tractor to celebrate the World Cup
“Che, did you see grandpa?” asks the user of the TikTok platform @sofii_camps as a question in the video. The tiktoker that published the grandfather, captures him with a smile from ear to ear driving the tractor with two men on board before the gaze of many people who had gathered for the festivities.
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Other viral celebrations
In addition to the grandfather, other videos went viral, such as the one of a boy dressed in the shirt of Emiliano Martínez, the goalkeeper of the National Team, on a pick up van tuned for the occasion, with an artificial grass carpet on the hood, the Argentine flag on the spotlights and an arch in the ceiling.
The youngster, around 12 years old, was on the roof of the pickup doing “la del Dibu”, the famous little dance during the penalty shootout against France.
It is worth mentioning that this maneuver is prohibited, since all passengers in a vehicle must travel inside it with seat belts.

Meanwhile, another curious celebration that went viral on Twitter was that of a crash between two cars that ended in hugs.
Twitter user @Wlasen wrote in a post: “Two cars just crashed, drivers got out AND HUGGED.” The tweet was filled with likes and comments asking for photos of the moment, but the user replied that she did not take it.
“Well, this blew up. Yes, it was real. No, I didn’t film it. Obviously it was something RELEVE, otherwise there would have been no hug. I know we are all insane, but neither is nonsense, ”she added later.

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Fountain: TN