The process of regularization of chocolate cars This year began thanks to the decree of the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and throughout it the time that this process will be in force has been extended. The last extension took place until December 31, however, we bring good news for those people who have not managed to regularize their chocolate cars yet, and that is that extend the regularization of chocolate cars until next March 31, 2023.
Therefore, the owners of vehicles of foreign origin will have a new opportunity to go to one of the 141 modules distributed in 14 states during the first three months of 2023. The states where this process is carried out are: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Puebla, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas.
They extend regularization of chocolate cars
According to the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, this chocolate car regularization program has provided, up to now, the obtaining of 2 thousand 671 million 855 thousand pesos for the paving of the streets of the states participating in this regularization.

In addition to giving some equity certainty and security to the owners of the vehicles of foreign origin, who from March to December 28, 2022 have registered, with a total of 1 million 047 thousand 142 vehicles already regularized. And this considering that less than 50% of them have been regularized to date.
It should be remembered that the idea of regulating chocolate cars is, in addition to reinforcing the safety and assets of vehicle owners, allocating the resources obtained from this to paving or resurfacing the streets of the 14 states participating in the program. .
Remember that you will have from January 1 to March 31, 2023 to carry out your process and be up to date, since all non-regularized chocolate cars by 2023 They will have to face the consequences.

- MX: Internet fraud continues against owners of chocolate cars in Coahuila
- MX – Authorities ask the owners of chocolate cars to regularize them before the program ends
Fountain: soups