The new Barcelona Mobility Plan It includes a goal that walking travel would increase by 81.52% by 2024.
In the new keys revealed by the Barcelona City Council, they want the private vehicle loses prominence in the city for years to come. In this way, the Urban Mobility Plan (PMU) sets the goal that by 2024 81.52% of trips are made on foot (+7.5%), in public transport (+15.7%) or in bike (+129.4%). For this, the text presented by the municipal government this Monday, marks 62 lines of action and more than 300 measures.
After the review process, the PMU has introduced changes in response to demand of 374 requests of the 444 allegations presented by different entities of the Catalan capital, that is to say, a 84%. Soon, the text must go through the plenary to be approved definitively, however, it has already received the favorable reports from the Autoritat del Transport MetropolitĂ (ATM) and the Generalitat.
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Likewise, it was reported that the PMU plans to extend some measures that are already in placesuch as the pacification of school environments and the creation of streets with priority for people.
“Pedestrians must be the protagonists of the sidewalks, and therefore we must reduce obstacles, such as motorcycles or bicycle lanes, so that pedestrians feel safe”, said Janet Sanz, deputy mayor of Urbanism, during the presentation of the document.
According to these statements, these would be the keys to the Barcelona Mobility Plan after including the different contributions from residents and entities of the Catalan capital.
*about pedestrians: The PMU proposes to progressively eliminate motorcycle parking and bike lanes on sidewalks and increase pedestrian streets by 32 kilometers, with the aim of reducing accidents and giving pedestrians more space to circulate.
*Public transport: the commitment is to improve the efficiency of the bus network, rationalizing resources based on the demand of each line and analyzing the weekend network to provide a better service, among others.
*The bicycles: (and personal mobility vehicles) the text contemplates a 40% increase in the current network of bike lanes or to include a speed lane of less than 30 kilometers per hour in streets with three or more traffic lanes.
The PMU also wants to implement at least one logistics micro-platform for last-mile distribution in each district, and in the field of private vehicles, reduce speed to 30 kilometers per hour throughout the city except for connectivity routes.
Finally, in the field of new technologies, the PMU proposes to extend shared vehicle services to the metropolitan area (passenger cars, motorcycles and bicycles), with the respective extension of licences, or implement the incorporation of automatic control systems for road indiscipline.
We present the definitive text of the Urban Mobility Plan, as well as the incorporation of 84% of the 400 delegations presented.
They are changing the plan and raising the different sensibilities, because we believe that the mobility of the future of Barcelona followed a mobility of consensus👇 pic.twitter.com/3y6A290IQ5
– Laia Bonet (@laiabonetrull) October 17, 2022
Editorial GossipVehicle.