What does the best-selling car in Europe look like compared to the US in a size comparator?

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We can have the measurements of all the cars on the market and compare them with each other, but nothing will make the differences as clear as placing one next to the other. In real life it is difficult to materialize these confrontations, especially when it comes to models that belong to different segments. Carsized solves this problem: a size comparator that allows you to compare, by size, vehicles sold around the world. And this is how the best seller in Europe looks like compared to the United States.

Play with carsized It’s as fun as it is instructive. It is true that its operation is not the most intuitive and that its database is not completely updated because there are models that still do not have their latest versions. Despite this, it is a very useful tool for viewing and comparing various vehicles by size: it also allows customize metric units.

How does this car comparator work? Just choose the brand and the vehicle in question: depending on each model you can specify the generation, the type of bodywork… It is even possible to compare copies from different eras and see how much one has grown, specifically, over the years. years. The comparison can be made up of one or more cars and You will be able to see their size differences from various angles: front, side (the most visual) and rear. Carsized completes this visual information with the measurements and the differences between them.

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USA vs Europe

It is inevitable to compare our favorite models, but it is also inevitable to put, face to face, the largest ones against the smallest ones. It is here that a fun battle arises: the United States vs. Europe. Or what is the same: the Ford F-150 (the best-selling model on the other side of the Atlantic for years) before the Peugeot 208, the most popular on the Old Continent in 2022.

Obviously, you don’t need a comparator to know that the former is much larger than the latter, but the image is still striking. Even though Carsize’s Ford F-150 is the earlier model, the dimensions are similar and serve to give us an idea of ​​the difference between the American pick-up and the French utility.

The Ford F-150 measures 5.89 meters long compared to the 4.05 of the Peugeot 208: It almost fits within the wheelbase of the North American model, which is 12,000 feet. Regarding the difference in height (1,961 meters vs. 1.43 meters, 53.1 centimeters difference), it is striking that the roof of the French car coincides, more or less, with the hood and waist of its rival.

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And if we compare the United States with Spain? The best-selling car in our country, in 2022, has been the Hyundai Tucson. The South Korean SUV is 1.39 meters shorter (5.89 meters vs. 4.5 meters) and 31.1 centimeters shorter (1.961 meters vs. 1.65 meters). The comparison, in this case, is not so impressive because the roof line remains in the middle of the pick-up windows.