If you are driving, and have ever felt that someone was following him in a car, it is relatively easy to check if a car is following you by coincidence or on purpose. This is a critical skill for car safety. If you are really being followed, help may be just a phone call or a short drive away, here we tell you what to do in this situation.
How to know if someone is following you by car?
There is a simple technique to determine if a car behind you is following you. What you should do is take four consecutive right turns, sailing around the block in a full circle. If a car does all four laps with you, it is most likely following it.
According to experts on the defensive driving website, a driver would have to be completely lost to make four right turns, since they would end where they started. If you want to verify again, you can repeat the process turning four times to the left. If the same car is still behind or following closely after both loops, it is almost certain that he is following him.

If you are on a motorway, you need to make another equally illogical maneuver. Your best option in this case is take a freeway exit. Then drive to the nearest entrance and rejoin the highway. If a car follows you back and forth on the road, without stopping for fuel or anything, its driver is probably following you.
What should you do if someone is following you in your car?
If you have determined that a car is following himyou should get help as soon as possible either calling the policeor, if you do not have service, drive to the police station closest.
If they are following you, roll up the windows and close the doors. Don’t stop and don’t slow down to let the car pass you. If you try to get the driver to pass you, you would be giving them the opportunity to run you off the road.
You may want to drive home, but this is a bad idea. If you drive home, the driver following you could find your home address. If possible, avoid deserted back roads and keep moving with traffic.

If you have service, just pull out your phone and Call the police. The dispatcher should be able to direct you to the nearest police station. He might also ask you to collect some information about the car behind you.
Yes, on the contrary, it has no service, drive to the police station nearest or start looking for one. While you’re doing this, try to gather information like the make and model of the car behind you. Although if you can write down your license plate number, that’s much better.
Can I ask for help at a police station?
The answer is a resounding yes. Police stations are public places and officers are public servants. If you are being followed or are concerned about your safety, it is your right to drive to a police station and seek shelter.
If you can reach the police dispatcher by phone, you can ask which station is your best option. You can also ask them to send an officer to the parking lot to escort you inside. Once you are under police protection, you can share your story and start an investigation.
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