In this article we tell you which vehicles are more insecure in Mexico when buying them.
The Most Unsafe Cars According to Consumer Power
Of the 10 vehicles that have been sold the most this year in Mexico, only two, Toyota Hilux DC Y chevrolet onyxachieved five stars for safety in crash tests of Latin NCAP.
These models are recommended by the United Nations Vehicle Safety Organization, that are part of World plan for road safety 2021-2030, as notified The Power of the Consumer.
See also: The 22 safest cars of 2022 according to the NHTSA
The Consumer Power indicated that of the 10 models with the highest sales only four enter the New Car Assessment Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (Latin NCAP): Kia Rio Sedan with two safety stars, Chevrolet Aveowith three stars next to the Toyota Hilux DC Y chevrolet onyx.
As for basic versions, only three: Kia Rio Sedan, Chevrolet Aveo and Nissan NP300, do not own Electronic Stability Control (ESC).
If we mention the airbags, three models: Nissan NP 300, Chevrolet Aveo and Kia Rio Sedans only have two airbags.
Chevrolet Captiva It has four airbags. nissan versa, March Y sentraMG Motor MG5 and chevrolet onyx They come with six airbags. The Toyota Hilux DC It comes with seven airbags.
Two of the most commercialized models, the Nissan NP300 and the Nissan Marchthey do not have a Child Retention System.
Stephan Brodziak, coordinator of the Vehicle Safety Campaign of El Poder del Consumidor, indicated that although progress has been made in the penetration of some of the essential technologies and systems in road safety recommended by the UNIt is worrying that vehicles with poor safety technology continue to be marketed.
8 models did not achieve any stars in their safety performance: fiat argo, Hyundai Accent HB Y sedan, Dodge Ram 700, kia sportsage, Renault Duster, suzuki swift Y Suzuki Baleno.
toyota yaris Y RAM 700 double cabin and single cabin barely reached 1 star.
“Which shows that part of the automotive industry is not committed to road safety and continues to discriminate against us as consumers.”
“It is essential that the General Law of Mobility and Road Safety be complied with to increase both vehicle safety in Mexico, specifically that oriented towards the protection of vulnerable users, as well as the information that must be given to consumers to easily and clearly know the safety performance offered by vehicles in Mexico”, pointed Brodziak.
The 10 best-selling models this year in Mexico accumulated 251,719 units sold, that is, 29% of total sales.
This information is accessible to the public on the page www.quetanseguroestuauto.org/fichas where you can access for free.
soul chavezpresident of Victims of Road Violencestated that we have the right to know before buying a new car.
Miguel Angel Toscanopresident of the organization Reflect responsibly pointed out that, according to prophecy in its Federal Law for Protection of the Consumer, It is the right of Mexicans to obtain correct information on quantity, characteristics, composition, quality and price, as well as on the risks they represent.
“Any industry, including the automotive industry, must provide the information that is minimally required, but today they do so with complete opacity.”
“Today it is essential that, given the concealment of vehicle safety information from most of the car brands sold in Mexico, and even more so when it comes to the health and life of both vehicle users and vulnerable road users, that these companies be forced to provide adequate information to their consumers”, said.
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: www.eluniversal.com.mx