On December 20, AMLO will announce whether the decree to regularize chocolate cars will be will expand for the next year 2023.
This month it will be known if the regularization decree will be extended
On December 20, the decision must be made as to whether the car regularization program “chocolate” that applies in eleven entities including Sonora and Baja California, ends or extends until next year.
See also: Owners of unregulated chocolate cars in Sonora are concerned
On December 31 of this year, the program to legalize crooked cars and Healy Group he asked the president if there will be an extension for the missing units.
“It has not yet been resolved, from this coming Tuesday to the next is the safety meeting, on the 20th they will report on everything that has to do with the regularization of vehicles,” answered.
The President said that Rosa Icela Rodríguez VelázquezSecretary of Security and Citizen Protectionwill announce if the program is extended or not.
Based on the December 5 cut of the regularization program in 14 entities, a total of 2,231,805 pesos were obtained throughout the territory.
Sonora so far in the program is in third place, after Chihuahua.
“To date there are a total of 892 thousand 722 regularized vehicles from the start of the program to yesterday, where they are regularized in 139 modules that are installed in 14 entities and work is done in conjunction with state governments. Here is the approximate amount collected from the resources obtained by each state, derived from the paving program, they take two thousand 231 million 805 thousand pesos ”, said Rodriguez Velazquez December 6th.
Entities with more resources for regularization
“Baja California, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas, have 50%,” he indicated. The state of Baja California will obtain more than 500 million pesos at the end of the month, Chihuahua 400 and Tamaulipas 300”, added
Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source: www.elimpartial.com