All Spanish towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants must have their Low Emission Zone, areas where access and circulation of cars will be limited: it […]
Tag: Car
Consequences for the man who drove a car at 249 km/h in Frutillar, Chile
Image courtesy of Biobiochile – Consequences for the man who drove a car at 249 km/h in Frutillar A man who was driving at more […]
Video shows how policemen got Tire Nichols out of the car and beat him to death (+ Sensitive images)
Tire Nichols is beaten to death by police officers A new event has unleashed public anger and led to protests in the US, and that […]
Conversion of the MGB Roadster to an electric car
The MGB It is one of the most popular classic roadsters of all time. Launched in the late 1950s and sold for over two decades, […]
What does the best-selling car in Europe look like compared to the US in a size comparator?
We can have the measurements of all the cars on the market and compare them with each other, but nothing will make the differences as […]
If your car is after 2008, successfully passing your next ITV will not be as easy as you think
If your car is from 2008, it has at least fifteen years of life. This means that you must pass the ITV, compulsorily, every year: […]