What will happen to non-regularized chocolate cars in 2023?

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Unregulated chocolate cars in 2023
Unregulated chocolate cars in 2023

The decree of regularization of chocolate cars in Mexico is valid for the states of lower californiaBaja California Sur, Jalisco, Michoacán, Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Nayarit, Nuevo León, sinaloasound, Tamaulipas, Puebla and Zacatecas. It is worth mentioning that the simplification of the requirements for these procedures was instructed, due to the fact that an extension is not originally contemplated for the year 2023. Therefore, the regularization of these vehicles would be in force until December 31, 2022. But, what will happen to the chocolate cars not regularized in 2023?

Unregulated chocolate cars by 2023

There are thousands of cars of foreign origin that have not yet been regularized, it is estimated that in total, 50% of the number of American vehicles in the national territory has not yet been reached. For example, in Durango there are approximately 100,000 units still not legalized, up to now about 25-30% of the total number of legalized vehicles.

Regarding this situation, Esteban Villegas, the governor of Durango, stated that it is probable that from the year 2023 they will be confiscated by the federal government the unregulated chocolate cars. It is, therefore, that it will expand the number of modules in the municipalities in addition to requesting an extension.

Unregulated chocolate cars in 2023

«Today they have the possibility of being able to regularize and be able to bring normal license plates like any other car, and it is until December 31 nothing more“, he pointed. Next, she added on the subject “we want to ask for extensionWe don’t know if they give it to us because in the end it is throughout the country. We are already talking with other governors to see if they will extend us, but I believe that we must work as if they were not going to extend the term and that it is only until December 31, “he specified.

Consequences of not legalizing your car

In the same way, as mentioned, other states have not yet achieved their regularization goals, the majority being below 50% of the total units of vehicles of foreign origin found in their respective entities. Something that has made Unregulated vehicle owners are concerned for the possible consequences.

And it is that, additionally, to the confiscation of the chocolate car, it must be taken into account that those who have not carried out the process to regularize their vehicle will be creditors to a financial fineof which there is no specific amount, in addition to the fact that the respective vehicle You will not be able to circulate in Mexicoas it was originally marketed in another country.

European and Chinese vehicles

In the same way, J. Carmen Fernández Padilla, deputy of the Durango Congress, requested that the regularization of American cars be extended until March 31, 2023, since there is still more than 50% to legalizeand the term of the program is now in December.

Likewise, he specified that there are vehicles that do not enter regularization because they are European or Chinese, and it is prudent to know what will happen to them, so they should inform if there will be a state register.

“The system was saturated, it should have been a larger and larger system, I think it was thought that there were few vehicles, but the reality is that there are quite a few,” he said.


  • MX – Authorities ask the owners of chocolate cars to regularize them before the program ends
  • Will there be an expansion of the regulation of chocolate cars in Mexico?
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